Tuesday, October 22, 2024

“Flesh To The Word”

One of the fruits of a life whose centre of gravity is God and the real needs of others will be that the Gospel will ”take flesh” in the lives of people.

Least Marian yet Most Marian

March 7, 2010 by  
Filed under 3. Life force, A Certain Way

The Marist approach to Mary, graphically mirrored in Icons of Mary in the Eastern Christian Church, helps us understand what seems to be a curious aspect of Marist spirituality.

Woman, Mother and Disciple

March 7, 2010 by  
Filed under 3. Life force, A Certain Way

The Society of Mary can be called both “least Marian: and “most Marian” because its aim is to reflect the life of Mary, the first disciple of Jesus.

“In this World”

While the work of Mary is something clear and simple, it can never be defined in fixed activities, because how the work of Mary is to be done will depend on the changing times, cultures and needs of the world. Two of Colin’s early realisations will help us here.

Most Hidden

March 7, 2010 by  
Filed under 3. Life force, A Certain Way

Among the things that Mayet noted when Jean-Claude Colin spoke of his years at Cerdon was Colin’s reference to those years as years of great grace. “Over a period of six years, I experienced extraordinary serenity when thinking of the Society, with a clear feeling that it was the work of God.”

A Certain Idea of the Society of Mary: Jean-Claude Colin

July 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured, Jean Coste

Having been invited to speak to you about Jean-Claude Colin on this celebration of the Bi-centenary of his birth, I could have prepared a carefully worked-out conference on one or other aspect of his life or attempted a synthesis of his personality, his contribution to the Church and to our religious families. In fact, I […]

The Work of Mary

July 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured, Pat Bearsley

The early Marists were convinced that Mary had chosen them to form a new family in the Church – one which would bear her name and do her work of saving souls. Theologically this claim cannot be “proved”; but nor on the other hand can it be “disproved” if only for the reason that theology […]

Historical Commentary on the Constitutions of the Society of Mary

March 14, 2009 by  
Filed under The Spirit of the Society

The Spirit of the Society (Article X, DD 49-50) After a series of detailed studies concerning the principal themes through which the Founder’s thought on the hidden life was expressed –Ignoti et quasi occulti, Mary at the Birth of the Church, Nazareth,– we now intend to resume the actual commentary on the Constitutions by dealing […]

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